Monday, March 25, 2013

Ed Tech @XaverianHS Episode 5: "Not worthy to hold his stylus"

Here is episode 5 of Ed Tech @XaverianHS, in which our intrepid education technology leaders discuss the first steps to launching your one-to-one deployment, whether or not Microsoft's Surface tablet will ever be viable in classrooms, and a host of other topics that impact tech-progressive educators and school leaders.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Ed Tech @XaverianHS Episode 4: "Not the only ones asking the question"

Episode 4 of Ed Tech @XaverianHS discusses our institutional approach to the STEM initiative, our allegiance to iOS and the rapid growth of Android in the education sector, and features a lightning round worth your time. Our Twitter war also reaches new heights as we shamelessly seek followers in the name of personal glory, and we continue soliciting guests more interesting than we are.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ed Tech @XaverianHS episode 3 - "The carrot or the cudgel"

During episode 3 of Ed Tech @XaverianHS, our diligent podcasters Dcn. McCormack and Patrick Fogarty discuss the latter's acceptance into Apple's Distinguished Educator program, getting the entire faculty on board with a one-to-one deployment, SXSWedu, and a whole host of other issues. We also continue our quest to bring in education technology luminaries as guests (spoiler alert: we're 0-2 so far).