Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ed Tech @XaverianHS episode 7: "Now we work together"

Here is episode 7 of Ed Tech @XaverianHS, in which our intrepid hosts analyze the best platform-neutral class apps and services, break down critical elements of the flipped classroom, debate the merits of the high stakes testing opt-out movement, and much more. Check it out, and don't forget to follow us @kevmac71 and @fogarty22!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ed Tech @XaverianHS Episode 6: "Big Brother is watching us"

Episode 6 of Ed Tech @XaverianHS, Deacon Kevin McCormack and Patrick Fogarty features a spirited discussion on the (greatly exaggerated) death of Microsoft, an explanation of how to get a school excited through a series of livestreamed debates, and a celebration of the career-defining iPad's third birthday.